
There are three (3) basic ways to volunteer for the Ethiopia Project other than holding a committed billet within the organization:

  1. Event Volunteer. Pass out brochures, collect monetary as well as shoe donations at our booth, and assist race directors at running and walking events throughout the Portland/Vancouver area that we (the Ethiopia Project) attend (i.e. Run Like Hell Half Marathon, Fit Right NW XC Series, Lacamas Lake 10-Mile, etc.).
  2. Shoe Cleaning Volunteer. Help clean and organize shoes at any of the shoe cleaning events held roughly every 1-2 months (Food and beverages will be included).
  3. Marketing Effort Volunteer. On pre-determined weekends throughout the year participate in mass circulation marketing efforts throughout Portland. This may include, but is not limited to, affixing organizational materials throughout communities in the Portland/Vancouver area and helping out with transportation of marketing materials or collected shoes to their proper destinations.

Pre-requisites to being a volunteer:

  1. Contact our volunteer coordinator, Kylie Holland at [email protected].
  2. Be passionate and motivated to help out at the events that you attend.
  3. Don’t have a whiney face when you attend these events.

It’s that easy—and the next step is even easier! E-mail your interest level and information so that we can get a hold of you the next time we need help at an event. Based on the three choices above, select at least one to participate in. This does not mean that you will be committed to these positions, but it does mean that you will be notified when opportunities arise. Also, you will receive info about meetings that will happen, as this is the best way to be informed on the group.

Please be sure to include your name, e-mail, and phone #. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, Andrew Buswell, [email protected].

At some of these events you will be eligible to receive free product from certain manufacturers that we are working with at the time. This of course is not promised, but is always a possibility. Thank you for your time, and realize that the rewards you gain when you volunteer your time surpass any fiscal rewards you many gain in this lifetime. Cheers, and happy running!

P.S. Feel free to invite your friends and family!

For more information, contact Andrew Buswell at [email protected] or 360-921-0883.


© 2025 Ethiopia Project