Dec 3

Santa Speedo Run 2015

Date: Saturday, December 19, 2015

Time: 11:00am – 2:00pm (PST)

Place: Cerulean Winery, 1439 NW Marshall St, Portland, OR 97209

Register Now!


How do the registration tickets work?

This event is capped at 150 participants.  The first 50 tickets sold will be $30, while the next 50 will be $35, and the final 50 will be $40.  For food catered appetizers and food with some craft beer from Deschutes Brewery, this is a great deal!

What’s Included In Your Registration (the earlier you show up the more you get!)

Glad you asked!

If you show up from 11a-12p – 4 drink tickets

12p-1p – 3 drink tickets

1p-2p – 2 drink tickets

*Food – this event is beautifully catered by Cerulean Winery and food will be served starting at noon up until the run starts at 2pm.


The format of the Portland Santa Speedo Run is really simple: Drink from 11am-2pm, then run/walk/parade through NW Portland 🙂

There will be some cool pictures from our previous trip to Ethiopia you can check out as well as some other cool items to keep you entertained.

ALL of your ticket proceeds goes towards The Ethioipa Project, which fits those in need with footwear in numerous towns throughout Ethiopia.

Important Detail:

After the run we are requiring that participants leave Cerulean Winery as they will be closed–with that in mind, PLEASE have a designated driver and be responsible–also please show respect to the staff and facilities at Cerulean Winery–they’re great and because they’re a new location we want to really show them a great Speedo time!


I can’t show up until noon or later–can I still come?

Of course!  Drink tickets are only good from 11am-2pm though, and appetizers will be served at 12pm -2pm.  Remember, the earlier you show up the more drink tickets you get!

Do I have to show up half naked?!

Nope–festive attire is a requirement though–click here to see pictures from last year!

Where does my entry fee go towards?

Rest assured that 110% of your entry will go towards an official non-profit registered with the federal government.  Quick fun fact: The Ethioipia Project is 100% volunteer driven, which means that we don’t have any paid staff.  To see more about what The Ethiopia Project does and how it operates click here.

How long is the “run” and what is entailed?

First off, it really isn’t a run.  Seriously.  No streets are shut down, and there are 2 cars in front and 2 in back for the caravan of festively dressed Santa Speedo “Runners”.  We stop when traffic ahead of us stops, and sometimes decide to do calisthenicswhile we wait.  It’s really just another Keep Portland Weird Spectacle for those on NW 23rd and 21st that day to witness.  If you can walk 2 miles you can do the Santa Speedo Run.

I hear the Santicon is happening that day–why do this instead?

We’re so glad you asked!  First off, there are 3 Santicons that happen on successive weekends in Portland, so don’t worry, you can do one of them a different weekend.  Secondly, MANY of the Speedo Runners will simply catch up with the Santicon happening that day after our event to make it a truly EPIC day of festive partying.  Third, with this event you’re supporting a great cause, getting beer included in your registration AND appetizers…truly a win-win 🙂

What’s with the 4 free beer tickets?

They’re included with your registration and you’ll receive these at check in at the event–they’re good for 4 beers and there will be multiple breweries sponsoring the event this year including Deschutes Brewery. 🙂

We’ll have Mirror Pond, Black Butte Porter, and Jubile Ale to choose from!

Can I bring shoes to donate to the Ethiopia Project?

YES!  We’ll have a bin to collect your shoes if you want to donate them!

Please e-mail the event organizer, Andrew Buswell, for any additional questions!

[email protected]

This is an OVER 21 event–IDs will be checked at the entrance!

Posted by admin. Filed under Events.


© 2025 Ethiopia Project